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Shoe Sizes D vs E

Shoe Sizes D vs E

Have you ever bought a shoe that you knew was the correct length size for your foot only for it to feel too tight or too wide on you? That happens often because most of us disregard the width when considering the size of our shoes. 

In most cases, when your new shoe feels too tight, you persistently wear it to break in. This is unnecessary if you had purchased shoes with your correct shoe width.

Your shoe width is determined by how wide your ball area is, that is, the area just after your toes, and before the arch, or the part that is slightly raised on your foot. For adults with standard foot sizes, it measures about 3-5 inches.

Having corn on your toes results from wearing a tight shoe, meaning the width of the shoe is not right for your foot. Your shoes will be more comfortable if they fit you well lengthwise and widthwise.

To be sure your shoes will support your body without squeezing your feet, take your measurements at your shoe store. Avoid buying a shoe before trying it out and taking some steps in it around the store. 

Try on shoes from different companies to pick the one that gives you maximum support without compressing the feet. 

Besides, if you are ordering from an online store, inquire if they have a return and replace policy so that if the shoes turn out too tight or too loose, you can ship them back for an exchange.

In America, the width of your shoe will be shown as a letter. AAA is the narrowest and EEE the widest.  In total, there are nine shoe width sizes for both men and women. You can buy size AAA, AA, A, B, C, D, E, EE, or EEE. In this article, we will compare shoe sizes D and E.

Shoe Size D for Men

Naturally, men have more muscular bodies than women. This means that even their feet are longer and wider. That is why you find a difference in their shoe sizes. 

In men, the standard shoe size is D. It fits most of them without feeling too wide or too tight. However, there are some with exceptionally narrow or wide feet. To them, size D is either too wide or too narrow.  

Men with extremely narrow feet are advised to use the shoe size chart used to determine women’s shoe sizes. That way, they will always get the correct shoe size. Failing to do so will mean they will get the correct length but not the right width.

The width of your shoe increases with its length. You can therefore get a shoe size 8D with a width of 4 inches, and a size 10D whose width is 4.5 inches. This is because as your foot grows longer, it also widens. 

Shoe Size D for Women

As earlier stated, women have smaller body statures and feet than men.  This reflects in their smaller shoe sizes. You may have the same shoe length as a man, but your shoes will be narrower. 

This applies to shoe size D.  When a man with standard feet size wears it, it fits well. However, when a woman with the same standard feet size wears shoe size D, it is too wide for her feet. 

That is why shoe size D is considered appropriate for women with extra wide feet. You may then ask what the standard shoe size for women is. Size B is medium or standard for women, but those with ultra-thin feet use shoe size A.

Shoe Size E for Men

Remember we said that shoe size D is medium or standard for men.  Nevertheless, there are men with extra wide feet. For them, a shoe size E may be the best.  In most cases, a shoe size E will be shown with a W, indicating it is wide. If it is EE, it is shown with WW. The widest shoe is size EEE for men, abbreviated as WWW on the shoe.

Most people are not sure about the difference between shoe sizes D and E. Even at first glance, you will notice size E is unusually wide. If the length size is smaller, the shoe may even look disproportionate, though this is rare.

Shoe Size E for Women

Rarely will you find women wearing shoe size E. Remember we stated that women with wider feet wear shoe size D, and since D comes at varied width depending on the shoe length, most women find what suits them within that size range.

However, there are a few exceptions for women with ultra-wide feet, who require width size E. More companies are manufacturing this shoe size to cater to this market.


Shoe sizes differ in length and width. You may be the same shoe length size but the width of your feet may differ. In most cases, the length and width will increase proportionately as you grow, meaning you can comfortably fit in standard shoe sizes.

However, this does not apply to some people. They end up with feet that are either too narrow or too wide. For men, the standard shoe size is D. Those with extra wide feet can wear shoe sizes E, EE, or EEE.

Men with narrow feet follow the same shoe size chart as women. The standard shoe size for women is B. AAA, AA, and A considered narrow. However, women with wider feet can wear shoe size D. and when their feet are extremely wide, they can go for size E or EE.

The easiest way to know your shoe width and is to measure the width of your ball area or ask a shoe store attendant to take your measurements. 

It is always advisable to measure your feet’ width at a shoe store before buying your shoes. Moreover, to be sure that the shoes are the right size, try them on and take some steps in them before paying for them. When shopping for your shoes online, deal with a retailer with a return and exchange policy.