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How Long Do Shoes Last?

How Long Do Shoes Last?

Most shoes are sturdy, but they are not made to last forever. Imagine all the beating your shoes take under your feet, getting caked in mud and sweat, and being baked on the asphalt. This leads to the outsole beginning to go bald, while the cushy foam becomes squashed and formless under our weight.

You do not have to wait until your shoes have holes and turn moldy before replacing them. Shoes have a shelf life, just like any other commodity. Read on, and we will tell you how long shoes last.

How Long Do Shoes Last?

With regular use, shoes last from eight to 12 months. Some shoes will depreciate faster depending on how you are using them. For instance, running shoes may wear out faster than your office shoes. However, other factors determine how long your shoes last.

Signs of Worn Out Shoes

What signs should tell you it is time to replace your shoes? Here are is a list of some of the things you should be on the lookout for:

Sudden Foot Fatigue

This could be because of a decline in the comfort of your shoes. Check if the insoles and inner padding of the shoes are intact. If the upper part of the shoe is still in good shape, consider buying inserts to reduce foot fatigue.

Worn Out Outsole

When the outsoles are damaged, they expose your feet to injuries and lose their effectiveness to absorb shock. This may cause discomforts on your legs, ankles, and feet.

Midsole Compression

If your shoes feel less comfortable, it could be that the midsoles have lost their bounce due to compression. The compression you exert on your shoe soles depends on your body weight and how you walk. Depleted midsoles are responsible for foot fatigue and discomfort on the feet when walking.

Loss of Cushioning

If the cushioning has thinned out, you will experience increased friction that may cause you blisters.

Upper and Interior Wearing

If the upper and interior parts of your shoes are deteriorating, they will not support you sufficiently. Remember, the upper part also determines how your shoes look. Replace them when they start to look unappealing or develop holes.

The quality of the shoes, how often you wear them, and how well you are taking care of them, may prolong or shorten the life of your shoes. Let us consider how long different types of shoes last.

Working Shoes

Work shoes should fundamentally protect your feet. Besides looking out for signs of wear and tear, you should be concerned about the safety features of your work shoes.

For instance, if you work in a restaurant, the floors could be slippery. Do your shoes still have anti-skid soles?  Moreover, if you work in a wet environment, are the soles preventing water from seeping into your shoes? Consider the significant safety features that your work shoes ought to have and replace them when they start to downgrade.

For some people, how their shoes look matters. In that case, you should be concerned about the upper and interior parts of the shoes. Replace such shoes when they begin to wear and tear.

If the inner padding is draining or thinning out, it means the shoe can no longer cushion you from shock, which may cause feet, lower back, and ankle injuries. Generally, work shoes should last you about 8 to 12 months.

Running Shoes

Running in worn-out shoes is a recipe for injuries and discomforts. If you are experiencing excessive pain and aches in your legs and feet, it could be that your running shoes need replacement. Also, you should avoid running in shoes that have lost their cushioning and bounce.

The cushioning and bounce distribute your weight and the pressure you exert on your feet. If these are not well distributed, they affect some parts of your feet, ankles, joints, and lower back, causing pain and injuries. Inspect your running shoes to see if the outsoles and insoles are spent.

Most runners keep track of the number of miles they clock up. Running shoe manufacturers advise about the number of miles their shoes should last. This ranges between 300 and 500 miles.

 For example, Adidas gives their shoes a 500 miles shelf life. Check what the manufacturer of your brand says about how long your running shoes ought to last. However, inspect the shoes regularly and be keen on how they feel under your feet since they may be affected by the terrain and wear out before you clock up the recommended miles.

Casual Shoes

These are the shoes you wear the most, for functions, to run errands, go to work, or around the home. How long your casual shoes last will be determined by their quality, the way you treat them, and how often you wear them.

Again, it depends on whether you walk on them longer or you wear them while driving. Look to replace them at least once a year or as soon as they begin to wear out.


Several factors determine how long your shoes last. Among them is the quality of the shoes, what you are using them for and how often you wear them. Your body weight and walking style also affect the longevity of your shoes.

If your shoes are worn out, they expose you to injuries and pain on your feet, ankles, lower back, and joints. Check the upper part of your shoes, the insoles, and outsoles as well as the cushioning to decide if the shoes need replacing.

You should replace your working and casual shoes at least once every year. In case you notice they are tearing before the year ends, replace them to minimize the discomfort they cause on your feet. Also, since they affect how you look, replace them whenever the upper part starts to lose its appeal.

Running shoes, on the other hand, have a mileage count determined by the manufacturer. It may be anything between 300 and 500 miles. You can use this to gauge when the shoes need replacing, but be on the lookout for signs of wear and tear such as sudden foot fatigue, holes, and declining cushioning and bounce.